Misha BukshaArt Direction / Graphic Design 2024 Selection

Art Direction, Graphic Design, Type Design
Net Making
Ukrainian Pavilion at the 60-thLa Biennale di Venezia

The theme of the Ukrainian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2024 was collective practices. Our approach was to establish the event’s identity around a custom font inspired by the netting process. This font was designed to be visually striking in motion, adaptable across various platforms including websites, digital and print posters, Instagram, and within the exhibition space itself. It serves as a cohesive element that reflects and reinforces the exhibition’s theme.

The overall visual communication strategy focused on creating both static and motion content with a present in time appearance. This approach allowed our team to effectively represent the diverse pool of artists involved in the project. Additionally, we placed a significant emphasis on Instagram as a communication channel, ensuring that Ukrainians unable to visit Venice could stay informed about the exhibition.

Website of Ukrainian Pavilion at the 60-thLa Biennale di Venezia